Where do the plays take place?

The aim is for children to grow up with the stories, bringing them an experience that only theatre can offer. Performing all year round allows the plays to connect to holidays and different themes and topics that are important in the early years. This is why Alma la Lama thrives for accessibility across the city by performing in 2 different settings.

  • Kindergartens

    Monthly performances in Kindergartens

    The performance takes place in the Kita so the children can feel at ease in their natural environment. Each performance is only 30 minutes and has a theatrical and musical component. There is no need for a big set-up -- all we need is a small table, two chairs and an audience of children that are ready to have fun!

  • Birthday Parties

    Plays for celebration and fun

    Our puppets bring joy and fun to birthday parties! Gathering all the children around for a special birthday is a snuggly puppet perfect for the young ones at the party. With some music and puppetry dancing, the plays are great for a birthday party filling the room with vibrant atmosphere.